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Bone Mesa Domestic Water District
North Fork Valley, Delta County Colorado
How many gallons of water can I use each month?For your monthly base fee, each tap holder can use up to 10,000 gallons.
What happens if I go over that amount?If you use between 10,000-20,000 gallons, the rate per gallon is $.0072; between 20,000-30,000 gallons, the rate is $.010 per gallon; and if you use over 30,000 gallons, the rate per gallon is $.020 per gallon.
What if a leak causes extra use of water?When we read your meter each month, we know if water has run continuously over a 24 hour period, signifying a leak. We send a leak alert with your billing so you can investigate and repair any leaks. If your usage is over 30,000 gallons and you fix the leak within the month you were notified, you may qualify for a credit under the Leak Forgiveness Policy: Each tap is eligible for one forgiveness for usage in excess of 30,000 gallons (including their base usage) for the first major leak and one forgiveness for usage in excess of 60,000 gallons for the second major leak. After that, there will be no other leak forgiveness given, except that the eligibility for leak forgiveness will renew after a period of ten years from the first forgiveness. We charge the tap holder for usage up to the first 30,000 gallons of use (including their base usage) and then forgive the excess usage—for the first offense. If it happens again, the tap holder pays for the first 60,000 gallons. To qualify for this policy, the leak must be fixed immediately upon notification. Because we notify the tap holder after meters are read at month end, if the leak is fixed during the following month, we also forgive usage in excess of the base 10,000 gallons for the following month.
What do I do if I have a leak?Try to identify the source by surveying your property for leaking and dripping faucets, toilets, valves, frost frees, running hoses, float valves for stock tanks, swamps coolers, etc. You can request a system profile to help in identifying the extent of the leak. This service, provided by Bone Mesa, costs $50. Call 855-269 9900 if you have questions.
Am I allowed to water outside with domestic water?Yes, as long as there are no water restrictions, you can use your domestic water for livestock, lawn, garden, and tree watering. Keep in mind how much extra the cost will be if you go over 10,000 gallons.
Can our water tap be used to provide water to another dwelling or trailer?No. Each water tap on any water line of the District shall serve no more than one household. A household is a dwelling having a kitchen and is connected directly or indirectly to the water system or that uses District water by way of cistern or similar structure. For example, a primary residence, a cottage, a mobile home, and a house would be required to own a total of four (4) water taps in order for each of the above described uses to be permitted to connect to the District’s system and receive water service from it.
Are there any taps available for purchase?No, the Board of Directors has put a moratorium on new water taps. In February and March each year, the water in our springs usually drops to its lowest point. We want all tap holders to get their 10,000 gallons, and in those months it can become critical. Therefore, it’s the drop in those months that prevents us from offering more taps.
Can we run out of water in a drought year?If our system gets low on water, the board has two ways of dealing with this issue. One is to ask the Town of Paonia for more water from our shared spring. We have an agreement in place for just such an emergency. The second option is to institute mandatory conservation measures, with fines for usage over 10,000 gallons per month. The right to do this is already part of Bone Mesa’s Rules and Regulations. Tap holders will be notified by mail if this is necessary.
How is the Bone Mesa Domestic Water District funded?Money for expenses comes from the monthly user fees paid by the 167 tap holders in our system. Many small water districts depend on the sale of new taps for funding, but we do not have new taps available. Grant money from either the state or the federal government is an option that has been used in the past, but unless we have a crisis that puts us out of compliance with state rules, it’s difficult to get funding through grants, especially for maintaining our system. Loans are available, but we have no way to pay off loans except by raising tap fees. Therefore, the district maintains an emergency and capital improvements fund.
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